cutter files will soon be available at Diana's Design's yahoo group. I think they turned out great. They are chalked and the lines were done with a gelee pen. I'm going to try to add a full sunflower bloom to the bottom corner to do a little journaling on. Thanks do Diana for designing these great flowers! Now she needs to drag that grandson of hers out and plop him down in the field (he's not one yet so it's not likely to happen!) and take some pictures for her own album. I'm hoping they will grow these again next year- they really are beautiful! I haven't seen sunflowers in a field like this since we took a trip from Berlin, Germany where we were living to Poland to go to the flea markets.
Oh, and I had to use the picture of Jake making a face and Josh looking at him like he couldn't believe he was acting that way! I figure he did it, it's my job to show it to him later right?! lol!
My friend Pokey had her daughter get out and pose for us too. I let the boys pick out a picture of her to use on their pages. I tried to go with one I thought Ashley would like too!