Tuesday, September 9, 2008

From the CK newsletter....

I know we have all heard this before but it is handy to remember now and then. I'm pretty current on the boys books- I'm working on 2008 and finished with pages for Jan, Snow, Feb, March, Easter, Easter Outfits, Egg hunts, Mother's day, April, sunflowers in August, I can't remember what all else I'm done but I'm glad to be chipping away on 2008 in 2008! Doing three books- one for each of the boys and one for me is a bit daunting sometimes. I try to make some pages different in each book so that makes it a little more time consuming too.

I also do a mini book for the boys birthdays, Halloween and Christmas and I'm starting school albums since the boys started preschool this year. I think I'll even do a mini vacation book while I'm at it. None of this overwhelms me somehow......

It is the boxes I have with Heritage pictures- especially the ones with no labels or stories and the pictures of when I was growing up, high school, etc. that have me feeling nervous about the lack of progress I make on them. I work on them in spurts so I may do 10 two page heritage layouts then no more for 6 months. The same is true with my growing up album. I'm not sure why these are so tough to get done. Anyway, I'm going to try to set a goal to do a page in each book each month so I'll at least make a little progress and maybe while I'm at it I'll get on a roll and crank out a few! I found a big drawer at the scraphouse to put the pictures in so at least they aren't staring me in the face when I'm working on our family books! ;)

I thought I'd get organized and have all this "Free" time when the boys started preschool but it hasn't happened. By the time I get them on the bus, go for a walk, clean up a little around the house, feed the cat and the fish, do some laundry it's always time to get them off the bus again and since they started school they come home WILD every day!! These calm (for the most part) children I sent to preschool have turned crazy! LOL! They can't sit still for a minute and they need something all the time. They talk from the time they get home until they go to bed- usually about a cute blonde on the playground! The house is still a mess, those long bubble baths I was looking for have eluded me so far, but I love the excitement the boys have when they get home and talk about the fun things they did. Riding the bus is the favorite activity of the day and we have to wait for it to go up the block and come back by after they get off so Gracey (the little blonde mentioned earlier) can throw them more kisses out the window as the bus goes back by- yes, we are in trouble! lol! Anyway, I'm thowing that notion of Free time back out the window and focusing on stealing a few minutes to scrap when I can! ;) Like my friend Carolyn says, I have to live at least 100 more years to get all my scrapbooking done!

tips from the CK Newsletter...

Your busy summer is finally coming to a close. So why is there still not enough time to get all those pictures onto pages? Are those photos from five years ago (shh….maybe 10?) doomed to remain in a box forever? Fear not. You are far from alone! Here are some helpful tips to help ease the stress:

Start with today - If you have gotten behind like most of us, don’t begin with Billy’s graduation from 1985. Start with pictures from today that are fresh off the camera and your memory. Working on current pictures helps you to feel more on top of scrapping!

Work on one event at a time - There is nothing more overwhelming then seeing piles of pictures that have built up over the years.

Pick your favorites - Keep in mind that you don’t have to scrap every picture. Pick your favorite ones that make the best lasting memories.

It’s okay! - Remember, it is okay to fall behind! Don’t let it keep you from enjoying the hobby you love.