gotta reverse the brads on the family tab- I had two 4 year olds helping me so it got interesting! .JPG)
I got inspired to make some divider tabs for my Close To My Heart Stamps this afternoon. I used chipboard, cardstock, the SU tab punch and some mini brads. I labeled them with some old tiny wooden stamps that I have had for years. I am planning to get some cardboard to make a divider for the middle and cover it with patterned paper or cardstock.
I think I will take a few minutes and write on each stamp set the category it is in so it is easily returned to the right spot.
It's not fancy, but it should help save some time since I have tons of stamps. I think I might stamp the wood mounted stamps and things like that that I have that aren't CTMH and file them with the sets so I know other options that I have and I might actually use things that I have forgotten that I have stashed in drawers.
I'm working on getting my scrap crap organized and this is the start.... :) Marla