Pokey- if you can't squeeze it- stomp it! LOL! Sometimes that is the easiest way to punch some flowers! ;) Notice the racks of cardstock and display racks in the background....

Carolyn and her daughter Kathryn above.

Elaine, Me, Carolyn, Kathryn and Pokey- Ashley was taking the pictures and Diana is at the end.

more cardstock, page kits, embellishments, albums, everything you need.... idea books... it's like being at Hobby Lobby but better! ;)

We scrapped at Carolyn's awesome Scraproom last week! I took pages that I had done for swaps and in about 3 hours I got 42 pages done so I had a productive day and I got to visit with my scrap buddies too so it was a good day! I love Carolyn's room- there is lots of space to move around and you have plenty of work room without being crowded. She also has a convniently located bathroom, she has everything on hand that you might have forgotten to bring, tons of cardstock to pick from, you can even shop the tons of racks of stuff she has on hand, oh, and she feeds ya too! LOL!